
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Exploring OER MOOCs The Future of Learning at UUM!

Looking forward to facilitate a 1-day OER and MOOC workshop at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) on the 25th March, 2013. It will be interesting to see how many that actually turn up. I do hope Insya-Allah for a full-house, because this time around I will start by exploring 16 Learning Trends, We Simply CANT Ignore! (for 30 - 45 minutes), before zooming in on Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for the rest of the day.

It will also be interesting to discover how UUM is approaching these 16 learning trends, especially OER and MOOCs. Insya-Allah, my 1-day workshop will enlighten participants and trigger new ideas at UUM on how to transform learning and education further.


This 1-day workshop will explore first 16 Learning Trends, before zooming in on Open Educational Resources (OER) and the latest disruptive global learning trend known as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). During the workshop participants will be empowered with tips and methods to find, reuse, remix and create OER. During the hands-on group session, participants will be challenged to conceptualize and create an imaginary MOOC prototype for 100,000+ students. It will be fun, challenging and competitive, and hopefully It will open your mind to a new enriched world of learning for all.


After this workshop, you will be able to:
  • Discuss the benefits and challenges of  reusing/remixing/creating OER;
  • Select the appropriate Creative Commons license (6 types) for your content development needs;
  • Find OER using a variety of search tools;
  • Identify a variety of web 2.0 and Social Media tools to develop OER with;
  • Discuss the benefits and challenges of MOOCs; 
  • Conceptualize a MOOC strategy for your course/programme/institution.


16 Learning Trends, We Simply CANT Ignore! from Zaid Alsagoff

 CLICK HERE to download the PowerPoint version.

Embracing OER & MOOCs to TRANSFORM EDUCATION...? from Zaid Alsagoff

CLICK HERE to download the PowerPoint version.


1st Activity:
  • Infuse Learning (Room ID: 86784)
More will be revealed during the workshop.


 Here is easy access to all the links (URLs) discussed and explored during the workshop:

1. Discovering OER

A) Open Educational Resources (OER)

  • OER Commons
  • History of OER (Infographic)
OER Videos 
  • Why Open Education Matters! 
  • Password: OER 
  • Why is it Important to Share Content? 
Learning Repositories

  • iTunes U
  • EDU - YouTube
  • Khan Academy
    Tools Salman Khan Used to Create the Videos?
  • Knowmia
  • TED-Ed
  • Academic Earth
  • GCF
  • CMU OpenLearningInitiative
  • Connexions
  • WikiEducator
  • Wikiversity
  • Extreme Learning
  • Siyavula
  • Curriki
  • Internet Archive
  • OER Africa
  • University of the People
  • MEDtube
  • 101 OER Resources
  • MORE OER (250+)

B) Open Courseware (OCW)

Open Courseware (Examples)
  • OpenCourseWare Consortium
  • MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW)
  • Open Yale Courses
  • OpenLearn (The Open University)
  • Saudi Arabia?
    • National Centre for e-Learning & Disctance Learning
    • KFUPM Open Courseware
    • King Khalid University OCW
    • Qassim College of Medicine OCW
  • Pakistan?
    • Virtual University of Pakistan
  • Iran?
    • Farabi Institute of Higher Education OCW
  • Indonesia?
    • The University Indonesia
    • University of Sumatera Utara
    • UG OCW
  • Malaysia?
    • Universiti Teknologi Malaysia  OCW
    • Open University Malaysia OER
    • Wawasan Open University
    • University of Malaya OCW
    • Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
    • Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)  
    • Web 2.0 OER (Prof. Amin, UKM) 
    • Update collection of OER/OCW projects in Malaysia
  • All Open CourseWare (OCW)? OCW Master List of courses (260+)

C) Creative Commons (CC)

  • Creative Commons Video (Qatar)
  • Creative Commons Video
  • Creative Commons (CC) Licenses
  • CC Comparison Table
  • Open Educational Resources Licensing Continuum
  • Article:
  • CC License Selection Tool
  • If license used incorrectly will I be sued?
  • Open Content Licensing Course for Educators
  • OER Risk Management Calculator

D) Finding OER

  • Google Custom Search
  • How to Search for OER (Infographic)
  • 2 Great Starting Points!
    • OCW Consortium 
  • CC Search
  • Open Tapestry
  • Other Good OER Search Engines?
    • OCW Finder
    • Xpert
    • OER Recommender
    • Temoa
    • Curriki Search
    • University Learning = OCW+OER = Free
    • Knowledge Finder
    • Jorum
    • OER Dynamic Search Engine
    • Discover Ed
    • Folksemantic
  • OER Glue
  • Einztein
  • iBerry
  • Social Curation Tools
  • Pinterest
  • Create Your Own Customized OER Search!: Google Custom Search
  • Article:    

2. Creating OER

  • Creating OER and Combining Licenses (Video)
  • OER Development Cycle? (Source 1 and 2)
  • OER Educator Handbook
  • Collection of institutions with OER policy
  • OER Policy Development Toolkit
  • Wawasan Open University OER Policy (Slide 13)
  • Framework Guiding Selection and Use of OERs and Non-OERs Source (Page 178) 
  • Alternative to University LMS:
    • Edmodo         
    • Schoology
  • Wiki tools:
    • Google Sites
    • Google Docs
    • Wikispaces
    • Wetpaint     
  • Blogging Tools:
    • Blogger
    • WordPress
    • Tumblr
    • Posterous
  • eBook Tools
  • Authoring Tools:
    • Slideshare (slidecast example)
    • Prezi
    • Create Online Crossword Puzzles!
    • WizIQ (web conferencing)
  • Create Cartoons, Movies & Animations:
    • Xtranormal
    • Go Animate
    • Toondoo
  • Desktop Authoring Tools:
    • Courselab
    • Exe
  • Use your iPad to Create OER On-The-Fly:
    • Educreations
    • Explain Everything
    • ScreenChomp
  • Social Media Tools and tips
  • 200+ Learning Tools
  • Just in Time Training To You (JiT2U) on Social media and Web 2.0
  • Quick Reference Guides (Web 2.0/Social Media)
  • OER Gurus
    • Stephen Downes
    • George Siemens
    • David Wiley
    • Stian HĂ„klev
    • Curt Bonk
  • Recommended OER resources (starting points):
    • Open Educational Resources - Educator Handbook
    • A Basic Guide to OER
    • UNESCO-COL Guidelines for OER in Higher Education
    • Open Educational Resources: The value of reuse in higher education
    • Guidelines for OER in Higher Education 
    • OER Dossier: OER and Higher Education
    • OER & Change in Higher Education


  • Online Educational Delivery Models: A Descriptive View
  • MOOC Guide
  • What is a MOOC? 
  • Three Kinds of MOOCs 
  • Coursera
  • P2PU
  • Futurelearn
  • Udemy
  • edX
  • Dark side of MOOCs (Infographic) 
  • What are we Learning from Online Education? (Daphne Koller)
  • Online Courses Look for a Business Model
  • Four Barriers That MOOCs Must Overcome To Build a Sustainable Model
  • The March of the MOOCs: Monstrous Open Online Courses 
  • MOOCs: Learning Points
  • Sharing to Connect, Interact and Learn!  
         (Online Talk by Zaid Ali Alsagoff)

Lets together explore possibilities :)

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