
Monday, February 16, 2015

Google TV screening soon

Google TV could be coming to a screen near you with the company putting finishing touches on technology that lets software developers build applications for televisions in much the same way as they do for smartphones.

Recent reports from the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg indicate Google could be planning to introduce Android-based television software called Dragonpoint at a developer conference later this month.

Sony, Intel and Logitech are also reported to be partnering to develop the technology, which would allow televisions to access content directly from the internet.

Google TV software is being designed to provide users with an entirely new interface for TVs that lets them perform internet functions like search while also pulling down web programming like videos or music from particular online services.

It could allow web applications like games or social networks to run on the devices, as well as small programs called widgets that can provide weather forecasts or news headlines.

Intel is also believed to be working on a scaled-down version of its computer processors called Atom, to integrate internet access with television guides, personal content libraries and search, says Bloomberg.

"The decision to address developers suggests that the internet giant may be hoping to kick-start a race to build applications for its TV platform, much in the same way that Google, Apple and others have courted developers for smartphones," says the Wall Street Journal.

Google has also reportedly been testing a new television programming search service with Dish Network, which would search for content across the internet as well as Dish programming.

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