
Saturday, June 30, 2018

How To Turn Your Android To Android 8 Oreo Without Updating

How To Turn Your Android To Android 8 Oreo Without Updating

How To Turn Your Android To Android 8 Oreo Without Updating

Ever thought of updating to the latest android 8 oreo but your smartphone is� ot billed to receive the update and theres no hope of a custom rom to gelp you update to android 8 oreo? Dont worry as in Im going to show you how youll be able to update your old android to android 8 Oreo without actually updating your snartphone OS version.

What this tutorial is going to show you is basically how to get the android 8 Oreo features, mainly the android 8 Oreo.

Whats this actually? This wont entirely update your phone thats why the title said without updating, which means your security patch or level remains the same as it was before using any of the tricks on this post. This article is actually for those who are comfortable with their stably working android version but just want the skin of android 8 Oreo.

Unlike the previous post where I showed you how to turn your android lollipop to marshmallow without update, this guide currently wont give you as much features as did the other one, but in the nearest future Ill device a means we would be able to do more of android 8 features on older devices without needing to update.

How To Get Android 8 Oreo Skin And Features On Your Older Android

Having read the above, lets get straight to the most important of this article, which is how to get android 8 features on older android or basically how to update to android 8 oreo without updating.

In thiz tutorial what well need is the Pixel 2 launcher. Yes the Pixel 2� is the sequel to the previous Pixel launcher by a certain XDA user who was able to port the Google Pixel launcher from the Google Pixel phones to other android devices without root. Just like the previous version, the Pixel 2 also does not require rooting your android, thats the most awesome part of the app as other launcher apps that promises features of the pixel phones require root permisions on your android.
[caption id="attachment_910" align="aligncenter" width="359"]update android to android 8 oreo without update, get android 8 oreo features, android 8 oreo features update to android 8 oreo without updating[/caption]

Features Of Pixel 2 Launcher

The Pixel 2 launcher has basically all the features of android 8 oreo skin, that means its like bringing the complete launcher on the new android 8 Oreo to your android phone. So, the below is the full features of the pixel 2 that brings android 8 oreo to your andrid phone withou updating or upgrading:

� QSB with transparent rectangle, Google
� Pill and Date/Weather
� Different colours of notification dots
� Filter Google Wallpapers and Voice
� Search from the apps list
� Use Google Wallpapers to select a wallpaper when available
� Device profiles, margins, icon counts
� Disabled partner customization like
� Motorola�s 4 columns
� Google Now feed on the left of the normal workspace
� Google Calendar app icon with the date

� More android 8 Oreo Features On Your
� Android Without Updating Using Pixel 2
� Pull down for notifications
� Oreo theme backported to older OS versions with Pixel Blue accent colour
� Notification dots backported to Marshmallow
� Automatically prompts for notification access so you won�t have to dig through settings menus
� Fix Android 8 checks so Nexus devices can use all new features
� Show icon shapes on Android 8 without developer settings enabled
� Pressing the date widget opens the default calendar app
� Keyboard properly closes when returning to the home screen from any app
� Symmetrical hotseat
� Filter Google Now Launcher from the apps list
� Pinch to overview
� Samsung Secure Folder compatibility
� Backport of circle icons

How To Update To Android 8 Oreo Without Updating

To update to android 8 oreo skin and features without actually updating, all youd need do is download, install and activate the Pixel 2 launcher as the default laincher for your android smartphone.

Download Pixel 2
The app keeps getting updated with more android 8 oreo features, its currently at pixel 2.1.

visit link download

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