
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Get Access to a Disabled Gmail Account

Get Access to a Disabled Gmail Account

??Cant explain now, the magnitude of disappointed and frustration am to feel if in any case my Gmail account got disabled, now back to you how will you go about it, I mean the odd feeling that comes on when your email account got banned.
Looking at this issue you might be notified or not notified before you get banned, all we is there must be a reason(s) for this, but what we exactly can tell is you must have violated Google TOS(terms of service).
In this case you will be denied google Products and Services.

Getting access to your account might be tough or easy going, depends on the reason you got banned.

Now lets look at the two banned account reasons below mainly, TOS violation. more.

Account Got Banned Due to Noticed TOS Violation


See screenshot below.

Yes, is the answer of your being account been named due to noticed TOS violation... No mater how un-severe its, your account will put on Google black list.

Now to get your account back, you would be required to fill there contact form, then submit it. Once you get a notification then you can proceed to get access to your account. Situation do occure where by you wont get a response, continue fill and submit there Contact Form every 2 days.

You can also visit there help forum
and open the recovery of banned account topic, concentrate on it, discus about the issue, tell your story, the importance and reason, here you can get help from users, if the top contributor get pinged to google staff, expect access to your account in 48 hours(2 days).

Must Do: Read google TOS Thorougly to avoid the second mistake.

Got Banned Due to Serious TOS Violation

Sorry to say reverting this seems to be impossible, but lucky you might be luck is by your side, this normally happens if your Account is being detected doing fraudlant activities Eg Fake Adesense Clicking. You might get access to your account back if, the problem is detected not to be severe.

Authors Advice: you should not keep your important file on your email account, because you might end up loosing your account some day, either to this or tour forgetting your account and login details.

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