
Sunday, March 1, 2015

How to Organize Your Life With Technology!

First things first, let me say that I am writing this post specifically for my lovely friend Katie, who just started her own blog!  Katie - youre going to love this app! :)

Kdots Learning Spot

Katie teachers 3rd grade in the same school as me and she is absolutely fabulous!  Ive considered changing grades just to be able to teach with her! lol!  She teaches 3rd grade and I teach Kindergarten... yet we can swap ideas easily and adapt them to our own grades.  And... shes great with technology, so you know she has my heart! LOL!  Be sure to check out her blog and follow her! 

Now... for this weeks technology tutorial, which Im sure everyone is going to LOVE... how to organize your life with technology!

This option was incredibly popular on the poll!

Do you ever have that moment (of course, when youre in the shower or driving) where you say to yourself, "Oh I really have to remember to send that file to so-and-so." or "I need to remember to print that worksheet for tomorrow?"  That always used to happen to me... until I got this app!  (Okay, it still happens, but not if I use the app diligently!)

So... go download the app right now and start loading it up!  I promise you that it will help you feel more organized!  I swear to you, i even put things in the app like "Swap laundry." because Im so guilty of totally forgetting that I have a load running!

You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture!
Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Drive.  To save it from there, just open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer!

For next weeks poll, Im going to add a similar option to this weeks poll: how to organize your files for the week to make life easier at school!

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