
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Becoming Creative Super Learners at IMU!


Imagine if you could read a 200-page book in 20 minutes? In today’s information overloaded disruptive world driven increasingly by innovation, we are required more than ever to transform the way we learn and think in terms of speed and creativity. 

In this talk to IMU students (and anyone else interested), I will be exploring some of the things that we can do to stimulate and empower our brains and senses to be more focused, learn faster, and think more creatively.

I will also be introducing a learning facilitation method called Talk Show (New? Maybe, not sure!), which can make the learning process for especially large audiences more exciting and fun. This session wont be recorded, as this is the first time I am testing it out, and it might influence the students willingness to participate. Excited! More will be revealed in the coming days :)


Here we go:

Becoming Creative Super Learners at IMU! from Zaid Alsagoff

This presentation only covers Level 1 of what a Creative Super Learner needs to master. Level 2 mastery skills are revealed here... 

Please, remember that these Creative Super Learning skills are chunked based on how I am planning to develop the program over the next months, and not based on difficulty level (e.g. Blooms taxonomy) :)

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