
Sunday, March 1, 2015

9000 Free Resources by Teachers for Teachers TES

  • TES
  • TES Resource Bank
  • Via Patricia Donaghy

The TES (Times Educational Supplement) is Britain’s leading publication covering the world of primary, secondary and further education, as well as the market leader for teaching job vacancies.

"The TES resource bank (9000+ resources) is a place where you can share materials with other teachers and recommend your favourite teaching resources. TES makes it easy for you to upload and download files and direct other users to websites that you have found useful. Once registered, you are allowed to freely use the resource bank to download any useful material. Resources are divided into over twenty different categories. The ICT section, alone, has 270 resources!" - Patricia Donaghy

Also, if you want to find educational resources for English (1900+), or Modern Foreign Languages (1400+), I suppose this resource bank should provide you with plenty of options.

In addition to contributions from teachers sharing their home-grown resources, you can have fun swapping ideas, and letting off steam in the Staffroom. Yeah, there is even a Blogs section, plus reviews of books, software and other published resources.

Finally, you might want to check out the weekly TES Magazine, which is free with all editions. A full colour glossy covering teachers’ personal and professional lives, it contains primary and secondary sections with features about good practice, tips on how to teach, special needs and ICT – plus health, money and travel.

Great :)

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