
Friday, July 27, 2018

Huge Miami Scandal

Huge Miami Scandal

Alright, so the season is almost upon us. My husband, Mike, just had his (live) fantasy draft on Saturday... which means that we got a babysitter and I headed to the spa for the day! I didnt get to attend this year (although one might argue that once was enough) being nine months pregnant and all but I assure you, I had a fantastic day all the same. (Read about the draft I DID attend here.)

Nevin Shapiro (rt) lookin douche-y
A couple of things: there is a massive scandal going on at the University of Miami. Basically a sports "booster" named Nevin Shapiro (who is currently serving a 20 year sentence for operating a multi-multi million dollar ponzi scheme) provided "impermissable benefits to at least 72 Miami Hurricane football players from 2002-2010." The violations include, "cash, prostitutes, entertainment in his multimillion dollar homes and yacht, paid trips to high-end restaurants and nightclubs, jewelry (including an engagement ring), bounties for on-field play (including bounties for injuring opposing players), travel, and, on one occasion, an abortion." YIKES.

You have got to read this article. And this one. It reads like the juiciest of US Weekly trashy trash. This guy names names and names what he gave them (ie, prostitutes, etc). For example: Devin Hester, Wide receiver, Chicago Bears: Multiple cash gifts, including cash for rims for Hesters SUV, $3,000 for an engagement ring, playoff tickets, drinks and VIP access at nightclubs, lodging at Shapiros $2.7 million Miami Beach home....." The list goes on and on and on. Why did he do this you ask? Well, it soon becomes clear in the articles that he thought these guys were his friends. Yet, when he got hauled off to prison for the ponzi scheme, they all but disappeared off the face of the earth. No one helped him, no one sent money. Sounds like no one even called him back. Go figure. I guess thats a nasty side effect of trying to buy your friends.

In any case, now eight years into the sentence, he is growing more and more bitter. Why not hurt the people who hurt him? Mission accomplished! Seriously, read more about this if you have the time. One of the most entertaining yet disturbing things Ive read in a long time. These Miami players are all over the NFL now and the scandal has seriously tarnished the U of Miami athletics program.

Ill catch you up on whats happening so far in the pre-season tomorrow. Until next time!

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